Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Parody by LleytonB (2020)

Wear a Mask

The main inspiration for this project was the global pandemic that is going on right now, as I thought it would be relatable to every single person that could possibly listen to it. I thought writing my parody song about covid would be a good idea not only because a lot of people would relate to it, but also because I repeat multiple times throughout to take necessary precautions: washing hands, social distancing, and wearing masks. I grew during this project because I was able to come up with original song lyrics, about current events without having to stretch my original intent with the words to much to rhyme in the rhyme scheme that was used in the original song. The main struggle I encountered was choosing a subject to write about. I grew up with access the YouTube in the early 2010s, so I watched a lot of song parodies about videogames, especially one very popular game called Minecraft. Originally, I thought about doing a parody about Minecraft, but I decided to go with a more general and current topic, coronavirus. I also decided not to go with Minecraft because I thought it would be really hard to create original content, as there had been so many Minecraft related parody songs already. Another struggle I had was that the rhyming scheme in the song that I chose is pretty complicated at some points, so I did have trouble coming up with lyrics that fit in with it. One thing that I would change about parody song if I could would be that I would spend more time trying to find better ways to write the lyrics. I feel that I stretched really hard to rhyme in the write places, especially when I was talking about washing hands and I wrote, "‘Til it’s clean to the bone then maybe do it double". This line wasn’t really a necessary line and was more just filler that stayed with the topic and fit the rhyme scheme. I felt like the final product for this project turned out really well. I’m really proud of my work on both the lyrics and the parody song production itself as well. I definitely feel like this project could be applied for a lot of different situations, not just a random project at school. Parodies are a really good way to get a message across, as you don’t have to make a really catchy song, it’s already there for you, and you just substitute in the lyrics that fit your topic.